Tag «marriage»

The Good Life

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long time since our last post, so I figured I’d write up a quick updates post to get everyone up to speed on all of the things. Busy season began in early April for Seth, so he has been working like crazy, which is normal for him this …

Soul Kitchen, Part II

Hello all! It’s been a while since we posted any renovation-related updates, and I owe you guys a whole bunch of them. The rest of our upstairs is close to finished, I posted a teaser of some kitchen updates that we had to race to finish before hosting Christmas brunch, and we have been installing …

Pretty Good Year

Hello everyone and welcome to 2018! I hope this year is even better than the last for you and the people you love. Whether you’re a believer in New Year’s Resolutions or not, there’s one thing Seth and I will definitely be starting anew this year, and that’s our three budgeting spreadsheets. I know three budgeting …

Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”  -Soren Kierkegaard This is always true, but feels especially obvious looking back on past relationships and the fights you’ve had with people you care about. No one wants to be the “crazy girlfriend” or the “bridezilla” or the “bossy bitch friend,” but it’s …

You Can’t Step In the Same River Twice

The annual canoe trip was almost three weekends ago (August 18th-20th) so I’m here to give you the rundown on our favorite budget trip of the summer. We drove up to Roscommon and the Canoe Harbor Campground Friday after Seth got off of work. We set up our tent just before full dark set in …

I’m an Asshole

I was talking with a very honest friend recently, and she said that in a relationship, one person is always the asshole. In context it was funny, but I also think there’s some truth to that. I also think that in the healthiest relationships, people take turns being the asshole. I’ll explain.   First, I …

This is How We Do It

And by “it” I mean anniversaries. Seth and I are the kind of people who prefer “experience” type gifts over material gifts, so when our first anniversary was coming up, I called dibs on planning how we’d celebrate it. I had spent the previous summer making pretty regular trips to Traverse City for work and …

How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?

  So. You and your partner think that you’re ready to take the next step in your relationship and acquire a baby mammal of some kind. For the purposes of this blog I’m going to assume that is a pet and not a baby human because I have no experience acquiring children (that sounds so …

We Just Disagree: Seating

Finding furniture for our house can sometimes be a real chore. I have already mentioned Seth’s penchant for picking up nearly anything off of the curb and bringing it home. But one topic upon which we can have an especially difficult time agreeing is when it comes to upholstered pieces like couches and chairs. Kayla …

Bills, Bills, Bills

I was listening to a morning radio show on my way into work a couple of days ago, and they were talking and laughing about when they lie to their spouse about their spending. I wish I was joking. They didn’t call it lying of course. One of the hosts was talking about her “shopping …