Tag «love»

The Good Life

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long time since our last post, so I figured I’d write up a quick updates post to get everyone up to speed on all of the things. Busy season began in early April for Seth, so he has been working like crazy, which is normal for him this …

Fear is the Key

I wanted to take today to remind you all to do something that scares you. Don’t do something stupid. Don’t walk into traffic or have a “hold my beer moment.” Do something that will better your life but that scares the hell out of you. I’ve been trying to do more of these things over …

Dark Horse

As of April 1st, it has officially been five years since I bought Bones. I can’t believe the time has flown by so fast! To commemorate the occasion, here are five life lessons I’ve learned from five years with a beautiful, stubborn, sweet horse at my side. No matter how much you love something, it …

Pretty Good Year

Hello everyone and welcome to 2018! I hope this year is even better than the last for you and the people you love. Whether you’re a believer in New Year’s Resolutions or not, there’s one thing Seth and I will definitely be starting anew this year, and that’s our three budgeting spreadsheets. I know three budgeting …

Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”  -Soren Kierkegaard This is always true, but feels especially obvious looking back on past relationships and the fights you’ve had with people you care about. No one wants to be the “crazy girlfriend” or the “bridezilla” or the “bossy bitch friend,” but it’s …

The Case of the Ex

Today is my high school/early college ex boyfriend’s birthday. Today I wished him a happy birthday, and was grateful that we are in a friendly enough place for me to do that. It wasn’t always that way. But I bring this up, because I have a lot to thank him for, and you probably have …

Learning to Fly

Lately, I’ve found that I haven’t been out to see Mr. Bones as often as I’d like. There are a few reasons for that. First is that when you have a ton to do, it’s really easy to point to a three hour chunk of your day labeled “Horse” and say, if I just eliminate …

Living Up to Her Low Expectations

I have been spending a lot of time mulling over the concept of expectations lately. If you don’t have any, you accept less than you deserve in many aspects of life. But if you have too many, or they’re too high, you set yourself up for disappointment. I know this because I used to have …

Spirit in a Vacuum

Just when you thought we were done adding family members for a while, I have to introduce you to a new one: Herbie! Herbie (AKA Herbert Hoover) is our new robotic vacuum, and I am in love with him. Herbie is an ECOVACS DEEBOT N79 Robotic vacuum, and I found him on Amazon. I have …

I’m an Asshole

I was talking with a very honest friend recently, and she said that in a relationship, one person is always the asshole. In context it was funny, but I also think there’s some truth to that. I also think that in the healthiest relationships, people take turns being the asshole. I’ll explain.   First, I …