Tag «Kayla»

Through the Bathroom Window

So it’s been a really really REALLY long time coming, but the upstairs bathroom is finally finished and I am so excited to share it with you guys! If you’ll remember, we essentially stripped the entire 500ish square feet of our upstairs bare to the studs and added this second bathroom from scratch. You can …

Turn and Face the Strange

The mantra at my CrossFit gym is “constantly pursue progress.” It’s a great sentiment. Another is “trust the process.” Those both seem simple enough, but if change were easy, everyone would do it. I know change isn’t easy, in any part of your life. The most obvious example to start with is my own personal …

Witch’s Stew

One of my favorite recipes of all time is my grandma’s beef stew (no, I am not implying she’s a witch). Even as picky little kids, my sisters, cousins, and I all loved this meal (just implying that this stew is magical). A few years ago I practically begged my grandma to teach me how …

Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”  -Soren Kierkegaard This is always true, but feels especially obvious looking back on past relationships and the fights you’ve had with people you care about. No one wants to be the “crazy girlfriend” or the “bridezilla” or the “bossy bitch friend,” but it’s …

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater

Seth and I are always working on reducing the amount of waste we produce. We’ve made quite a few changes over the past couple of years and intend to keep implementing more. One thing I notice being wasted a LOT this time of year is pumpkins. People scoop out the guts, carve a face in …

Down With the Sickness

Well, we’re almost halfway through October and I haven’t managed a single new blog post. I also haven’t made it to the gym once. These two failures on my part are both due to the same thing: My battle with bacteria. That’s right. I’ve been sick for almost three weeks now, and Seth unfortunately has …

When the Sweet Potato Piper Plays

I made this recipe the other day for dinner with Seth’s cousin and her husband, and I have had enough people ask for a bite (and the recipe) while eating leftovers at work that I figured I should just write a quick post about it and share it with the world. It’s adapted from a …

The Case of the Ex

Today is my high school/early college ex boyfriend’s birthday. Today I wished him a happy birthday, and was grateful that we are in a friendly enough place for me to do that. It wasn’t always that way. But I bring this up, because I have a lot to thank him for, and you probably have …

Living in a Land Down Under (Part V)

While my sister lived in Australia, she lived in Newcastle with other students studying abroad. Newcastle is about a 3 hour train ride north of Sydney. We spent about a week there when I came to visit. Obviously, I met all of her fellow students and we hung out most nights, either bar hopping around …

You Can’t Step In the Same River Twice

The annual canoe trip was almost three weekends ago (August 18th-20th) so I’m here to give you the rundown on our favorite budget trip of the summer. We drove up to Roscommon and the Canoe Harbor Campground Friday after Seth got off of work. We set up our tent just before full dark set in …