Tag «Kayla»

The Good Life

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long time since our last post, so I figured I’d write up a quick updates post to get everyone up to speed on all of the things. Busy season began in early April for Seth, so he has been working like crazy, which is normal for him this …

Fear is the Key

I wanted to take today to remind you all to do something that scares you. Don’t do something stupid. Don’t walk into traffic or have a “hold my beer moment.” Do something that will better your life but that scares the hell out of you. I’ve been trying to do more of these things over …

Blinded by the Light

In our kitchen and our bathroom, there are windows that definitely need something to help block the glare of the sun at certain times of day. But those are two rooms where I really hate to use a traditional curtain. They just attract moisture and mold in the bathroom and grease in the kitchen. So …

Dark Horse

As of April 1st, it has officially been five years since I bought Bones. I can’t believe the time has flown by so fast! To commemorate the occasion, here are five life lessons I’ve learned from five years with a beautiful, stubborn, sweet horse at my side. No matter how much you love something, it …

Waiting on the World to Change

This year, while many Americans were getting ready to celebrate love on everyone’s favorite Hallmark holiday, Valentine’s Day, students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida were hiding under desks, barricading themselves in classrooms, and pleading for their lives. Normally, I’d avoid such a heavy topic on our generally more lighthearted blog, especially …

On my Red Couch

Yesterday, a very exciting thing happened: we finally got back our newly reupholstered couch. I won’t say it was cheap, but I will say it was worth the money, and in this post, I’m going to explain why we chose to reupholster an old piece instead of just buying a new couch. We’ve had our …

Soul Kitchen, Part II

Hello all! It’s been a while since we posted any renovation-related updates, and I owe you guys a whole bunch of them. The rest of our upstairs is close to finished, I posted a teaser of some kitchen updates that we had to race to finish before hosting Christmas brunch, and we have been installing …

Pretty Good Year

Hello everyone and welcome to 2018! I hope this year is even better than the last for you and the people you love. Whether you’re a believer in New Year’s Resolutions or not, there’s one thing Seth and I will definitely be starting anew this year, and that’s our three budgeting spreadsheets. I know three budgeting …

Candy Paint

Hello everyone! It’s been way too long since our last post. Between the holiday craziness, finishing the final steps of our kitchen renovation before Christmas brunch (don’t worry, post and pics to come), and Reliant having major surgery on both of his back knees yesterday, it’s been a little hectic. Today I’m just going to …

Don’t Want to Go Cold Turkey?

I know everyone has looked at the leftover turkey carcass on Thanksgiving and been annoyed at how much food is still leftover, but somehow difficult to access. There’s meat on those bones but in such small quantities that it just seems like too much work to deal with. If you don’t want to waste that …