Tag «finance»

Pretty Good Year

Hello everyone and welcome to 2018! I hope this year is even better than the last for you and the people you love. Whether you’re a believer in New Year’s Resolutions or not, there’s one thing Seth and I will definitely be starting anew this year, and that’s our three budgeting spreadsheets. I know three budgeting …

“Fools” said I, “you do not know”

It’s pretty customary to give younger friends and family members little tidbits of advice when they graduate highschool. You got tidbits at your graduation party, or questions thinly veiled as advice. “Where are you going to college?” means “You have to go to college.” Or “You should use some of the money you’re getting from …

Bills, Bills, Bills

I was listening to a morning radio show on my way into work a couple of days ago, and they were talking and laughing about when they lie to their spouse about their spending. I wish I was joking. They didn’t call it lying of course. One of the hosts was talking about her “shopping …

Net Worth Tracking

Strap yourselves in folks, because this is another long post about how we manage our money. At the start of the year, we were feeling frustrated because it felt like we were working really hard but never felt like we were “getting ahead” financially. To combat that, we started keeping track of our net worth. …

Our House

Alternate post title: Mortgages for Millennials We know a few couples who are looking to buy houses in the next few months, and have been answering a lot of questions about the mortgage process for them. It occurred to me that mortgages are confusing (we learned that first hand) and having recently (FINALLY) completed the …

Pay It Back

If you’re anything like Seth and I, you graduated college with some serious debt. Seth was luckier and smarter than I was in that respect. His parents had money set aside for college and he started with an associate’s degree at a community college, which was much cheaper. Even though he didn’t have to take …

Money (How We Budget)

Of the two of us I tend to be the spender and Seth is definitely the saver. But of the two of us I also work more jobs at any given time and therefore make more money to spend, so that may have something to do with it. At some point I got sick of …