
Now that I finally got a photo of this little guy, isn’t he so cute?

Chester is a corn snake who I apparently didn’t have any pictures of. I have since managed to snap a shot of him trying to run away from “home” while his cage was open. Is he not just so handsome?

We decided to get a snake, so we did some research and went to the pet store. I was holding one corn snake in each hand and trying to decide between the two with Seth‘s help when Chester just crawled right into my purse. He chose us. He’s a bit on the shy side but does like to wrap himself up in my hair when he’s being handled. Foxy is terrified of him, but I have no idea why. Reliant is mostly oblivious, but he does like to watch the snakes move around in their enclosures. Samara is obsessed with the snakes and loves to watch them eat especially.