Down With the Sickness

Well, we’re almost halfway through October and I haven’t managed a single new blog post. I also haven’t made it to the gym once. These two failures on my part are both due to the same thing: My battle with bacteria. That’s right. I’ve been sick for almost three weeks now, and Seth unfortunately has caught it too. Luckily for me (I think?), my doctor is pretty sure it’s not pneumonia, and now that my antibiotics have kicked in, I’m finally starting to feel pretty good. However, with temperatures (FINALLY) dropping and all of the rain we’ve been getting here in Michigan, it’s the time of year when we all fall victim to germs more easily. So in the spirit of keeping everyone as healthy as possible this fall/winter, I wanted to list for you the things that have helped us get over this illness faster and a little more comfortably.

  • Rest – This is the number one most important thing, and also the thing I’m worst at. Your body uses a larger proportion of its energy on basic functions like maintaining body temperature (especially if you are running a fever) and producing immune cells and other adaptations, like mucus, that help fight sickness. Plus, research has found a positive relationship between getting enough sleep and recovering from illness. I am the crazy person who had “maybe pneumonia” and still worked 80 hour weeks, and I’ve been sick for a loooooong time. Seth is better at taking it easy than I am, and he seems to be progressing through this whole mess much faster than I did, and with less horrible coughing and phlegm. Be like Seth. Rest up.
Be like Lynx and nap like crazy when you feel under the weather!
  • A humidifier – I didn’t have one when we got sick, but I bought this one on Amazon, and so far, I really love it. It pumps out a huge amount of steam, which you can set to warm or cool mist (in case you get sick in the summer). The tank is huge and can last all night, which is great when the only thing the helps quell the tickle in the back of your throat is increasing the humidity in the room. That dry air keeps me coughing hard (and sleeping less) all night, so this humidifier has been a godsend.
  • A diffuser and the right essential oil – I’ll be the first to say that I’m not into essential oils the way that some people are obsessed these days. I’ve read very few peer reviewed studies that show any actual benefit, and that stuff is EXPENSIVE! Generally, I’m not convinced. However, I got this diffuser, and this essential oil blend to help clear my sinuses and decrease the amount of coughing I was doing, and I have to say I was impressed. The diffuser can run for over 6 hours, has a light that works great as a nightlight or to create some ambiance, and is sculptural and cute to boot. Meanwhile, that particular essential oil blend contains eucalyptus and peppermint oils, which contain menthol compounds that open up your airways just like Vick’s Vaporub did when you were a kid, but without all of the sticky vaseline on your chest. This is one of the few uses that actually has some science backing it, and it didn’t disappoint. And the rest of the year, you can always just diffuse something that smells good. It never hurts to have a house that smells yummy when you walk in the door!
  • Herbal tea with honey – I love a good herbal tea when I’m feeling run down, and lately we’ve been feeling this one. Usually, I don’t bother with a sweetener, but when I’m sick, I always add honey. It’s known to help coat the throat to lessen coughing and has natural antimicrobial properties that at least can’t hurt! Plus when your body is fighting so hard to feel better, a few extra calories could be helpful, especially if you aren’t feeling like eating otherwise.
  • Your favorite Disney movie (and your mom, if she’s free) – There is nothing better than snuggling up with a blanket, some chicken soup, some tea, and a great Disney flick, especially one you watched when you were a kid. It helps you relax and forget about all of the adult responsibilities (like dishes and bills) that are stressing you out so you can get better! Bonus points if you can get your mom to come over and watch with you so you can sing together about how there must be more than this provincial life (in your croaky sick voice). Make sure that diffuser is running full blast!
Hopefully you won’t have to look like this as long as I did!

Here’s links to all of my personal illness essentials if they sound like something you want to have around when you’re feeling icky:


I hope our list helps you prep for your next illness, which I hope never actually materializes, because being sick is the worst. What are your must-haves on a sick day?